There are people who love dahi or curd and there are those who love doodh or milk. But if you had to pick the healthier option, there is a clear winner. Nutritionist Naini Setalvad reveals which one you should choose and why.
And the winner is… Curd! Why? Because it:
- Is easier to digest
- Is a probiotic
- Cleanses the gut
- Prevents stomach infections
- Prevents urinary infection
- Is beneficial for bones… read more benefits here.
So is milk bad?
No, it is considered a complete food in itself as it has all the nutrients needed for a well-balanced diet and is a good source of protein and certain minerals. Find out which milk is better.
Is low-fat better than full-fat?
Yes, if you are on a weight loss diet. Whole milk curd contains about 60 calories per 100 grams while skimmed milk curd has only 22 calories.
How much curd should one have in a day?
About 250 ml of it is fine in a day. But the amount can vary depending on the rest of your diet.
When is the best time to have curd?
It is best to consume it before 2 pm.
Who should avoid curd?
People who have arthritis, asthma, bloating, constipation and lactose intolerance should avoid curd. Some lactose intolerant people might be able to digest it as it contains lower amount of lactose than milk, but it can vary from person to person.
Image source: Shutterstock
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